Monday, August 29, 2016

completely normal

Party Cone Pullers,

I'm a decrepit enough old sports journo to recall the story of Lisa Curry walking into the swimming dressing sheds at the Los Angeles Olympics, and her competitors being shocked and frightened by this massive, muscle-ripped, hugely imposing Amazon of a woman as she stripped off - and yet - she won nothing.
Everything old, is new again.
So, the Olympic pool in Rio is awash with every kind of snaky substance known to man.
Powerful pharmaceuticals of the go fast variety?
Surely not?
At least the Chinese media are on the money when they describe Australia as "on the fringes of civilisation":

The naughty one is on the right, although the one of the left looks like he's off his chops, also.
The bloke in the middle is completely normal.

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