Found myself forced to fire off this e-mail to the Swans membership department.
No reply, as yet:
Dear Sirs,
As a loyal purchaser of the family Superpass ever since its inception, I must write to say how disappointed I am with this years offering through Ticketmaster.
I've always found the Superpass to be excellent value for money and, through the experience, have bought up my two daughters to appreciate the great game of Australian football.
What has happened to it now?
Why is it that I can't buy dedicated seats in the gold area, and instead have to buy something called family superpass registration?
What is that?
What does that give me for my $205??
I've always been able to purchase my reserved seats in a reserved seat area; why on earth not now?
Then I go and have a look at buying two x adult two x junior gold Superpasses, and find that the seats on offer are in different bays for each of the three games?
What happened to being able to buy the same seats for all three games, which was a matter of course with Ticketek?
I'm unhappy to say you have cruelled yourselves with the change of ticket agencies -- why change for the sake of change when nothing was broken with the ticketing system in the first place, which it clearly is now?
Just plain silly, for mine.
Sorry, but I'm not inclined to have any of that, thankyou.
Late last year I took up foundation membership with the Giants, for $50, on spec and some promises, even though they won't play a premiership game this season.
What can you offer me that would dissuade me from continuing headlong down the GWS track in 2012?
Please don't lose me.
Yours Sincerely,
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