Fellow tragics.
How could it have come to this?
Labelled the Tigers as the heart break team of the season a few weeks back and impossible to follow, and how right did that prove to be.
With an early start on Saturday, went to bed at a12-4 at half time confident that the two premiership points were in the bag
However, the fishwraps suggest Johnny Morris lost the ball in a one-on-one strip with 12 second left on the clock and the scores all tied up.
Newcastle quickly saw the opportunity to draw the penalty and ran on into a Balmain defensive line who were all offside by a country mile.
The ball sails over the Newcastle cross bar, and it’s game, set, match, season over.
The Tigers this season have become masters at contriving yet another way to lose an unloseable match
And of all the teams to get your season done it by…it had to be the hopeless, hapless drug-addled Knights, didn’t it.
A dark day indeed.
As a colleague at work succinctly exclaimed: “Bloody Balmain. They’ve gone and ruined it for everyone”.
If I were the coach I would have given each and every player individually a gigantic tusk up the runter nd tell them to get out of my sight before I killed them.
But no such histrionics from SC Sheens as indicated by this word for word quote as seen on Sky News Straya.
“We’ve come up short. It’s been our season for most of the year, we’ve been up and down. We had our chance to win it, and didn’t. Congratulations to Newcastle, and y’know, commiserations to us. Just got to work harder for next season and that’s just about it. There’s not much else we can say”. I suppose he apologised to the fans after the Debacle at Leichhardt, so there’s little point in doing so again.
A more comprehensive season review to follow after I’ve had a chance to join SC Sheens and the boys for Mad Monday to ponderwhat might have been, but at the moment I’m just too upset.
TIGERS 24. Tries: Marshall (2), Morris, Lawrence. Goals: Marshall (4)
KNIGHTS 26. Tries: Vuna (2), Paterson, Gidley. Goals: Gidley (5)
At Stadium Australia, Homebush.
Crowd: 13,446.
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